The hospitality industry in Las Vegas attracts more than visitors from around the world, it attracts the attention of every major government and local agency, OSHA included. Being in the spotlight subjects hospitality organizations such as hotels, casinos, clubs and spas, to intense scrutiny. With so much on the line, safety is a need that each and every hospitality company takes seriously.
CSQS addresses all the major areas of safety and quality concerns at hospitality properties in and around the Las Vegas area and across the US. From the moment we step foot on your property we are hyper aware of your potential hazards and safety issues, helping you to understand how to best protect your workers, your patrons and your shareholders. We help you find the answers to the most needed questions regarding safety standards. Questions such as:
How does your company stack up when addressing these safety concerns?
How does your training and documentation address these key areas?
How do you implement new processes and determine their effectiveness?
Areas of Safety & Quality Standards to be Addressed
HAZARD COMMUNICATIONS – what is your training program for all employees? Are your Safety Data Sheets (SDS) up to date?
BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS – For any workers who’s job may expose them to blood or bodily fluids, linens or clothing, this training is required to protect employee’s health and reduce exposure to BBP, HIV and/or HBV.
FIRE PREVENTION – Do all your employees know how to use your fire extinguishers? Is this part of your safety or new employee orientation?
SLIPS AND FALLS – Falls happen to employees and guests. It’s your job to work towards preventing them. We can help you.
BACK INJURY PREVENTION – One of the most common injuries is also one of the most preventable. Teaching basic, safe lifting will benefit all employees from day one of their employment.
LOCKOUT/TAGOUT – Focusing on proper lockout/tagout procedures can prevent tragic outcomes. We build our training for those employees who are ‘affected’ by this procedure.
PPE MODULE – Providing your employees with the proper personal protective equipment is a great start. But helping them understand why and when to wear it is important, too.